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What do we expect from the second season of Loki

Foto do escritor: lokis2bralokis2bra

Atualizado: 12 de ago. de 2021

Did Michael Waldron and Eric Martin admit they failed Loki?

We need to talk about Loki. In all three Marvel series the protagonists had their story evolved, Wanda had her grief exposed, Falcon became Captain America, Bucky had the chance to receive forgiveness for what he did when he was the winter soldier, there were Flashbacks and many tears, but Loki didn't have any of that, in the foreground, they tried to trick us with marketing being all around Tom Hiddleston's Loki, to attract fans, according to Samba TV after Episode 2 the show's ratings dropped almost in half, yet was higher than the ratings of the other series, but of course, explored the Multiverse, this degree of importance within the Marvel universe is so indifferent to fans who just wanted to see Loki as the god Of mischief, What is being a protagonist? That's when the story is shown in your point of view, that's when the antagonist chases you, and you have the idea of ​​how stop him always wins, and you put together a team that becomes a leader, but in the end you're make your choices. The protagonist always has your justice actions with Flashbacks from childhood showing that he was mistreated or how he learned to do what he will do next, there is also a flashback in common with the Villain of History where his motivation is exposed and the protagonist tries explain your point of view on the situation that caused you so much anger. In Loki we saw him get hit, suffer, cry over deaths that didn't happen in his time, we saw someone else boss him around, and decide what to do, and we even saw him with no final moment alone, the villain against someone else and he was like a supporting cast, even in the Thor movies, he walked between the two sides, making his Character interesting, because the first great villain was his biological father whom he killed to prove himself worthy of the throne of Asgard, in the second movie of the Thor, that's when he pretended to betray Asgard for Thor to remove an infinity stone from his girlfriend, however, Loki took Asgard's throne in the end, and in the third movie, he was the key to getting everyone to flee Sakaar, and he also arrived at the exact moment to save the people. With a big spaceship. He always had more importance in the movies than in the series itself, which his story was not continued, because, if you think about it, there was an attempt of genocide by Loki against the giants and ice after he himself killed the king and his father Laufey, this would be a great villain for the series, in the comics, Loki has a brother, Helblindi Laufeyson, who could lead a search against Loki so that the story was actually his, exploring the Multiverse is cool. But imagine if Loki receiving a job offer was to arrest his friends he put in the situation of becoming variants, just like Avengers put him, because Loki didn't time travel, he just ran away with the tesseract, and when Loki could have been sent to arrest Sigurd, Lorelei, Amora, Skurge, Karnilla, Balder. He could find out that they left the sacred timeline for something he did or didn't do and instead of holding them back he could simply do what would put them back on the timeline without creating a Nexus event. This would also return Loki's protagonism, and if all this happened at the same time that Loki was hunted by Jotunhein? Logically he would justify all his crimes, because there would be a Flashbacks where he would show him as a child learning that the ice giants are monsters and that they should be killed, could also show how Odin favored Thor during all the 1000 years they competed for the throne, because that was discussed in Thor 1 and was not disproved by Odin, so Loki spoke the truth, flashbacks to justify what he did in Thor 1 , another important flashback would be with Thanos torturing Loki and then controlling him with the scepter to invade New York for Loki give the tesseract for Thanos , that would also justify it in 2012 . He was supposed to be the protagonist but instead they threw him into a TVA fight against Sylvie who had the script favorable to her, although the Character no have charisma, we know she was taken out of her life as a child, and that was used to create empathy , and justify that she was killing minuteman who she knew were variants also in cold blood , with ambush she planned for them . On the other hand Kid Loki was also removed from his young life as Sylvie but chose to help people who reached the void rather than kill people, which quickly made the audience like the character, just as everyone loved Classic Loki also.. Tom Hiddleston's Loki for the first time was not important, it didn't have its brilliance in a Marvel project, and ironically it was his project. Besides his lack of sarcasm, cheating, and unpredictability, he didn't decide anything, he was all the time trying to reason with people to listen to him, begging and being humiliated. At first it was Mobius who blamed Frigga's death and psychologically tortured him about things that hadn't happened to him yet, and then it was

Sylvie who watered like a savage treating him like a pig being roasted for her to eat, after 12 hours together they were both acting like 1000 year old virgins until she used what he felt for her to complete her revenge against the TVA. And I ask. Where is Loki's Story in this series? who used so much the image of Tom Hiddleston in all the marketing videos to pretend it was his Story and attract fans, but we saw with a drop in the audience that even with the Multiverse being created, what everyone wanted, the lack of protagonism of the central character demotivated fans. We hope that Season 2 will change this formula that didn't work for him.

Loki was bullied in Asgard for being an ice giant, if they wanted him to accept himself, this would be an important part of self-acceptance, accepting that he's not a monster that parents tell their kids at night, his psyche is all screwed up , because Odin spoke only badly of the ice giants that when he found out he is one of them , he could imagine that all the adjectives he learned about the ice giants was how Odin looked at him .

Note: Loki's sexuality to be represented must be faithful to him and not to what fans wanted him to be. He gave birth horse while he was a white mare and fucked a horse, and had two wives and mistresses. female . Loki is interesting because it's different. And about Sylvie she's the opposite of him, he's not narcissistic, they tried to make female and male love interest for him, with female Loki loving male Loki and male Loki loving Loki Female but neither the heterosexual nor the homosexual team approved of that, because Narcissism does not fit with the essence of Loki. Throughout his history he sacrifices himself for the one he loves, proving that he always loves another person and to the point of sacrificing himself. We await her wife in the series, Sigyn, she exists in the comics too. And the construction of Asgard, with the horse in Season 2.

I have another idea, it's 6 Episodes, isn't it?

​ Episode 1 "Lorelei" it starts with Loki wearing useful clothes black and green, Mobius gives him a Nexus from an old friend of his. Of Asgard, Mobius would appear asking, "Loki, the branch has been neutralized, but you haven't brought any prisoners..What's wrong?"​ Then Loki replies that he was a troll.​ Then after Mobius leaves, a voice in The back of another analyst says: "You're lying" and it's Verity Willis, and he tells her the story and the scenes go on the flashbacks, Loki could have turned into a woman and got involved in the assault of Lorelei to arrest her , but he couldn't kill her after their past with her, and.he took her to the TVA and they sleep together because she is hidden. The sheets move in Loki's bedroom at night while he's with Lorleei, just casual sex, showing nothing.

Episode 2 "The Brother" they can find out that the Nexus Lorelei was on Earth existing because Helblindi killed the builder of Asgard before he built Asgard, so Lorelei lived on Earth, and when TVA came out, Helblindi killed a minuteman and turned into him to enter the agency, in the TVA, he has his own face and changes the dead soldier's face in the system to follow Loki and tell Jotunhein's army to try to arrest and kill him, after that, Loki is ambushed by Jotunhein but he transforms them all in Loki then no one knew who was the real one and Loki ran away.​

Episode 3 "The Construction of Asgard" Loki returns in time to find a builder willing to build Asgard with all your glory, he finds a builder who asked for the sun and moon in exchange for the construction, but Loki accepted it as a bet, if the builder could build everything in six months he would have what he asked for, Loki traveled in time line for 5 months later, and realized that the builder would complete the work on time, but he could not pay because the sun and moon were not his , that's when he realized that the builder's horse was the one who speeded up the construction, and with that, Loki turns into a white mare (it would be nice to put the horn helmet on the mare), the mare attracts the horse and runs To a thicket, where the horse chases her, the bush moves and they neigh, the screen shows months after , the white effus giving birth to an eight-legged gray horse, after, the mare transforms into Tom Hiddleston's Loki, Loki rides the gray horse to whom gives the name of Sleipnir. Go and lose in a bet with Odin in a bar in exchange for the normal stones with the runes of Odin. Meanwhile, Verity Willis finds out about Helblindi due to seeing the truth in people, and she searches for Loki in her room but finds Lorelei, the two team up to neutralize Helblindi, but realize it's too late, and team up with Mobius to find Loki and run away because TVA is somehow taken over by Helblindi

Episode 4 "The Escape", Helblindi took over the TVA by convincing almost everyone that Loki is a danger to them. Loki uses the Norn magic of the stones and the knowledge that is in the runes of Odin and his magic becomes stronger than Classic Loki, but he does not control it well and kills a lot of people to save their friends.​ After that in. Much action in the episode ..Loki unleashes a powerful sorcerer and a prisoner of Asgard, Karnila or Eldred.

episode 5 "The Prisoner" Loki knew that powerful sorceress had a debt code when someone saves him from something, and so he asked him to teach her how to control the power of the runes that are in her mind. Loki and his group mingle on Earth but when the minuteman arrive , he turns into an innocent little girl , causing them to underestimate the Nexus and trap them with the help of his team to read his mind like he did it with the Valkyrie in Thor Ragnarok and finds out that Helblindi is his brother, Laufey's son and wants revenge for his father's death.

Episode 6​ "The Great Battle."​ Loki at the height of power , and managing to control , Lorelei , making Jotunhein 's men fight each other , Verity seeing Eldred 's illusions and telling what was a lie , and Mobius with a gun to melt the ice of the giants ( humor relief ) .​ Team Loki have victoria in the end, And Loki Gets New Clothes And Story God Horns.​ Eldred has a weak point that Loki already knew before releasing him, so Loki not kill his brother out of compassion, but defeats him, and leaves the throne of Jotunheim, at that moment, Loki Transforms into Jotun, all blue.​ And then Loki kills Eldred.​ As a great sorcerer, returning to his Asgard appearance, and receiving new horns and new robes, just like Wanda in Wandavision.​ Upon defeating Helblindi, the army retreats, and Mkbiis , Lorelei and Verity shows the TVA that he was wrong.

In this way it shows Loki's fluid gender, when he turned into the female child and the mare, his sexuality which is based on this story of the horse from mythology and no one will be able to say that you are wrong.



Aug 10, 2021

That's right, we love Loki, it hurts that the series has treated him so badly, we waited almost 10 years to see him be the protagonist and nothing. Taika, although some criticize him for the comedy, he knew very well how to make Thor shine, make him look strong, he showed Valkyria, a strong woman without taking the leading role from Thor, in the Loki series, Loki only They use it to beat him and they think that's funny, they took everything that Loki made him, a god, and gave it all to Sylvie, it was his story, his revenge, the strongest, the smartest and Loki was just there to love her and follow her and look clumsy and weak…


Aug 09, 2021

I agree .Loki is Loki and not a human to represent them. He is a god , better to explore the original story than to keep inventing to humanize him based on the interpretation of some who want to look like him.


Aug 07, 2021

Exactly 😔💔

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